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Basketball Hoop

Hoop Tots

New Program coming this Fall to the Hoop HQ is designed to get our super youngling students to get started early on their basketball journey. Our class will be taught by no other than one of the best mentors we have in our community.


Class Dates & Sessions & Details:

All Times: 

Thursday starting at 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM

Please reach out with additional time requests 

(5 classes per session)  30 minute sessions


Current Planned Sessions  


  • MAY 30th to JUN 10th  - Session 1 

  • JULY 11th to AUG 14th - Session 2

  • AUG 15th to SEP 19th - Session 3

  • SEP 20th to OCT 23rd - Session 4

  • OCT 24th to NOV 21st - Session 5




2 Easy Option Plans


Flexibility Plan (30 mins class) : 5 Class Bundle - $200

Classes can be made up  in future/upcoming sessions.


Commitment Plan (30 mins class) : 3 session, 15 classes total - $300

No class make up. (You commit you save! $100 per month, 1 exception for make up class)


  • Tots Program - Flexibility Plan (30mins)

    The perfect beginners program for young toddlers Ages (3 to 5)
    • This class is designed for toddlers, ages 3 - 5, to enhance
    • motor skill development, balance, coordination & confidence
    • Participants learn the fundamentals of basketball
  • Tots Program - Commitment Plan (30mins)

    3 sessions, 15 classes total
    Valid for 3 months
    • You commit you save! $100 per session (30 minute classes)
    • No class make up or refunds


Early Bird Catches the worm 

Kids who participate in sports learn early to have better control of their bodies. This positively affects important motor functions like coordination, fine and gross motor skills, and balance.. Kids who develop these skills also develop the neural pathways to support them, and the positive effects can last a lifetime.


Character Development

Several studies have shown taking part in early sport can help in the development of your child's self-esteem and confidence. 



Social Skills

Kids involved in early sports develop better social skills which would benefit them even when they grow older. Playing sports teaches them about teamwork and cooperating with others. They learn to interact with people from different ages.


Maintain Discipline

Any sport requires the athletes to maintain discipline and focus. The discipline could be mental, physical, or tactical. Discipline helps the player achieve their goals and also reach their fullest potential. Additional benefits include to help build good habits to an active long term lifestyle.


The Best & Perfect Instructor

Dedicated leadership and hands on experience, Coach Neol is the perfect instructor to help develop the next generation of youth kids, teaching them the key values to the game of basketball

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